Buckle Up and Prepare for Take Off! 🚀

This month is packed with excitement!

Launching into August Like a Superstar!

Praise from Super Creatives, book ideas, fundraisers, women standing up to Ai, radio shows, workshops, SUP meetings… anything else we can pack into this month?

Where to begin? Disclaimer: I write this with a double ear infection that just won’t go away, so understand I’m doing my best with the madness.

Books for sales now at A Room of One’s Own on Atwood Avenue, Madison, WI. Join us August 6th at 6 PM for an unforgettable event! Not your typical book reading!


It’s so much fun to show off the incredible awesomeness others do. Check out these amazing people and organizations in my “relationship solar system”:

  • For Always - LGBTQ-friendly Wedding Websites & Design - launched as a new division of Creative Panda. These talented and fun-to-work-with designers, originally from the Philippines, think of every single detail for inclusive weddings. Know any newly engaged folx?

  • Four MABC Members Stand up to Ai at the Sylvee for Forward Fest! Get your Forward Pass and sign up for all the brain food, including this event, that will surely ignite motivating conversations.

  • GitGud Gaming presents the super fantastic, sensory exploration they call Tribute to Tech at the Red Zone on Friday, August 23rd. Sign up for only $10 and play all day Friday! Get your game on!

  • Vicki Kenyon grows her inclusive radio show, Queery, on WORT radio and will interview me on August 28th.

  • OPEN Madison is looking for sponsors and growing businesses to participate in their Building Bridges LGBTQ Career Fair, October 3rd. Put your company’s Inclusivity into practice.

  • The Rigby is putting together a fundraising event for the Trevor Project, August 9th. There will be a short talk on men’s mental health, a short documentary viewing, and a live band to follow. Stay tuned for more details!

  • My friend, Lana Wood, continues to bring consulting and build ground-breaking technology to model the best benefits (with access to public benefits) for employees and bring more financial power to the decision-making for HR leaders. Nibble on some Parlsey - it’s good for you.

  • My friend, Wence Martinez, celebrates 30 years as Martinez Studio in Jacksonport, Door County, WI, on August 21st! Stay tuned for the event details on the Pulse…. coming soon!

Eventually - Events With My Face/Book in Front

If you see me this August, chances are I need water, vitamins, and an energy bar. 😆 August is going to feel like I’m in a rocket ship blasting off on a bliss journey into more exciting adventures! Ready? 5…4…3...2…

Licensed to Sell, by Laura Paisley Beck, on the bookshelf at A Room of One’s Own bookstore, Atwood Ave, Madison, WI.

  1. Tuesday, August 6th at 6 PM, I’ll be reading from my laugh-out-loud book, Licensed to Sell, at A Room of One’s Own. I’ll answer your questions on the creative process, or the exasperated, “Why? How?” and sign books with gel ink and love. Let’s pack the bookstore! Books are there for purchase now.

  2. Friday, August 9th, I’ll give a brief presentation of my gender-neutral book to an audience prepared to support the Trevor Project. Proceeds from book sales that night only will go to this specific fundraiser. Stay tuned as they iron out and publish details.

  3. 8 AM, Monday, August 19th, I’ll be at the Badger Startup Summit with my book, and plan to pitch Mission Magnetosphere at the MERLIN Mentors Pitch and Replay event. Forward Fest! (OK so my face isn’t on this event but my shining face will be a beacon to all people with amazing creative energy.)

  4. 2 PM, Thursday, August 22nd, I’ll be teaching a Fun Fiction Biz Book Workshop at 100State! We’re going to break out of our boxes, unleash our imaginations, and find catharsis in writing about real life work weirdness in a fictional format. Yay! Participants get a signed FREE copy of my book!

  5. Friday at Tribute to Tech I plan to launch the e-book version of Licensed to Sell, ideally with the animated cover designed by Two Lips Creative! Wish me luck!

  6. 6:45 PM, Wednesday, August 28th, Vicki Kenyon is interviewing me about my book on her own radio show, Queery! Tune in, call in with inqueeries, and share all the safe kindness and love! 🏳️‍🌈 ✌️

Laura Paisley Beck points a pink gel pen to her book, Licensed to Sell, at Novel Bay Booksellers, Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wisconsin, after signing their copies for sale.

Turn Back Time… What Went Well

There’s more but you’ve read enough. Here’s a little slideshow from wonderful moments that filled my heart over the past month. May they inspire you to get out there and make magic happen, too!

Laura Paisley Beck with Rachel Bauer at The Rigby Pub sidewalk patio - the excuse was to deliver/purchase the book, Licensed to Sell, so she can read it before all the book events.

Yay! Gotta love the love! My favorite was Mary Jane Connor’s text to me when she got my About Me copy. She thanked me in all caps and said she was crying. 🥹

I’ve gotta go deliver more books to bookstores and then go hug dozens of people I love at a living memorial. There is so much gratitude and love in my life right now, I hope you feel that in yours, too.

You’re wonderful! Love on!

Laura Paisley Beck