Where Do You Belong?

Inclusion and belonging in business

In a world where people of many different backgrounds, beliefs, and identities all live and work together, it’s important to understand that without Inclusivity, we’re exacerbating the fragile rarity of Belonging. In other words, as my friend, Amanda Kevin PHR said the other day, “Belonging can only happen with Inclusivity.”

72% of Black Americans have experienced discrimination and/or violence.
Info credit: Statista. Click image to see the site.

Type “Inclusion venture capital” in your search bar in LinkedIn and click “Posts” to see a patchwork feed of inspiring and deflating news. DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) still seen as an important initiative, and yet only 2% of all venture capital goes to women-owned business, and less than that to black-owned businesses. Venture capital firms still “bullish” on DEI, yet reports say that VC firms sticking to this initiative are struggling more to get the capital they require.

Hugs and more hugs at my Licensed to Sell book launch party. Giving and seeing hugs are good for you.

So what do we do about it? 

My humble, personal opinion, walk the walk! We may get sick of hearing, "Be the change you want to see happen,” and yet is there any other way? We are responsible for our time and energy spent with people and organizations that share our mission to create a more inclusive, just, and safe world for all brilliant humans.

And we are responsible for intentional inclusion in our messaging, images, practices, and marketing strategies. For those who want my expertise in this, schedule a call to discuss options that suit your needs.

My friend Ibrahim of IH Concepts at my Licensed to Sell book launch party. Lots of hugs in this newsletter.

Modest Suggestions to Boost Your Inclusion and Belonging Mission in Madison:

The Heathers, Mean Girls, and Grown Up Clubs

The Heathers was the 1989 version of Mean Girls, throwing shade on the “popular girl” problem.

Inclusion and Belonging, Step 2: Check your relationship solar system and networking groups. How diverse and inclusive are your networks? Take a good look. Are they more exclusive than inclusive? Would your favorite BIPOC professional or trans coworker belong? Can you wear your rainbow pin with pride?

In order for us to be the change we need to see happen, we need to take the small actions steps to intentionally practice the inclusion and create the safe space we know is important for a truly empowering, innovative, strong future. Different perspectives and backgrounds bring incredible ideas and practices that help us grow as individuals and collective humans. Does that make sense?

More hugs at my Licensed to Sell book launch party.

If you need a wing person to join you at networking events (in person or virtually) and ease your transition into inclusivity, do not be shy. I will do what I can to connect you to good people. Because, and I mean this, if you’re not IN with Inclusivity, you are OUT of touch and getting more and more OUT of reach.

If someone you know needs to read this newsletter, I invite you to share it.

Thank you, and remember, You Are Wonderful!

Laura Paisley Beck

PS- my hilarious gender-neutral Interchangeable Action Novel©, Licensed to Sell, is still available for purchase at A Room of One’s Own, Novel Bay Booksellers, and on my website (which will look completely different in October).

Laura Paisley Beck signing her debut novel, Licensed to Sell.